Let me take you to a room full of money

Matouš Roskovec
Avocode  — From Design to Code
3 min readAug 8, 2016


Most important days at Avocode start with a bowl of guacamole. The bigger the bowl, the more important the event. Last Tuesday (August 2nd, 2016) deserved a bowl unlike any other before…

However, guacamole played just a side role that day. The main storyline developed on the stage of the 500 Startups Demo Day. After three intense months of mentoring, coaching, testing, experimenting and inovating we were proud to present Avocode in the Computer History Museum in front of hundreds of investors like Battery Ventures or Funders Club. Take a seat, it’s time for out pitch.

Are you watching closely?

Companies like these trust us with their designs.

After more than a year on the market, this is how we’re doing.

Have you ever thought about how many websites and mobile apps are out there?

Now think about that every UI design ever made had to be somehow turned into code. We all know the pain of design hand-off, right?

That’s why we created Avocode. Once a designer shares their designs in Avocode the developer can just come in and take everything he needs for coding with a few clicks.

It took us some time and effort to build it. Big thanks to my fellow co-founders and the entire team. You guys rock!

And that’s a wrap. We’re Avocode and we are here to help you turn designs to code faster.

If you’d like to watch these slides move have a look at this video.👇🏼

Give it up for all of our skilful colleagues from the Batch 17. It was my personal honor to work side by side with you.

So how did we do?

Have a look what companies TechCrunch chose as their favorite. If you are interested in our adventure at 500 Startups, check out our 500 stories blog.



Creative Lead @Avocode, 500 Startups alumni, ex-Content Strategist @SignalsNetwork, marketing strategy consultant, wannabe chef, addicted to Netflix.